An amazing evening. The first draft of The Watchers is finished. The queen of half-written novels has finally finished a complete book. A few weeks of revision and out it will go in search of a home.
I am too weary and elated to write any more but I did have a cup of tea and a white chocolate chip cookie to celebrate. Nobody parties like a writer... ;-)
I have reached 68,500 words and a feeling of excitement is brewing! I am currently writing chapter 20, where Evie will have to stand before the Authority. It's a big turning point in the book as a whole, as well as the actual writing of the book. Basically I am really seeing the last ridge here!I've only been writing since June but it feels like I've been going for a long time. I'm hoping that within two weeks I will have the first draft complete. If I work my a** off I might even get it finished by this time next week.As the self-confessed queen of half-written novels this is an exciting moment! I'm looking forward to being able to email Gillie Russell to say, "It's finished! Just a few revisions and it's all yours!"Almost there!