Monday 13 December 2010

Just Dance!

Heh heh! Very appropriate picture for this evening. My neck has been acting the maggot recently because of driving and computing so I have been going to the chiropractor. He recommended some fun exercise to strengthen my back and shoulders. He also stuck needles in my neck - but don't worry, he does acupuncture.

So tonight, in my quest for 'fun' exercise, I purchased 'Just Dance 2' for the Wii. Stuck it on when I got home - and it was groovy! I was amazed how quickly I got out of breath messing about on it. Not sure I'm holding the controller right as it sometimes doesn't seem to register my (flailing) arm - obviously it's nothing to do with my dancing...

On a serious note I need to sort out my wretched desk posture. Any tips? Anybody tried yoga / pilates etc?


Elizabeth Varel said...

Maybe I need a chiropractor too.

Stacie said...

No tips from me, I just wanted to say "Oooooo! I want that game so bad I can barely see straight!"

Hope you get your stuff figured out :)

Steven E. Belanger said...

"...acting the maggot..." That was awesome! I've got to use that somewhere...

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